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Chapter III - The Oshumeta Rules. The Yoko Osha First Three Months Period Part I







  1. The Iyawo must keep his/her head covered for the first three months of Yoko Osha. Only his/her Osha elders are allowed to see his/her head with no cover. Only the priest who is clearing the head can touch it when the godfather/godmother or the Oyugbona cannot do it. In case of accident, only doctors, nurses and paramedics can touch the Iyawo because, even when they might not be initiated, they are all blessed by Oragun.

  2. The Iyawo should do the Oshumeta Ebbo three months after Yoko Osha according to the particular rules of his her religious family.

  3. If, for any reasons, the Iyawo cannot do the Oshumeta Ebbo when it corresponds, then he she must visit his her godfather godmother and the Oyugbona to ask them to clear his her head and to pay them their “derecho”(monetary delivery given to the priests(esses) o do the ceremony).Both priests should clear the Iyawo’s head and should also give coconut to the Guiding Osha. This also done when the Iyawo celebrates his her first year and sixteen days after Yoko Osha. In case that the Iyawo does not go to the godfather’s (godmother’s) or The Oyugbona´s house, these priests do not have to visit the Iyawo’s place.

About the Iyawo’s way of dressing

  1. The Iyawo must be dressed in white during a year and sixteen days both in public and at home. The Iyawo must sleep wearing his/her consecration white plain clothes including (caps; socks, tights, stockings; underwear, pyjamas and nightgown/nightdress). The body must be totally protected by white clothes.

  2. The Iyawo must always be dressed correctly. Clothes must be clean and cannot be ragged in any way.

  3. The Iyawo (if a man) must go out with shoes, socks, underwear undershirt, trousers, handkerchief, long sleeves shirt and must always wear the Igbodun cap under the hat or cap he wears to go out. He must also use a white umbrella. After the third month, the Iyawo can wear short sleeves shirt or pull over. Everything must be white except for the working hours when some Iyawo must wear uniforms for work. However, he should wear white clothes under the uniform or any other working clothes he/she may wear. In such cases, the Oba asks about it on the Day of Ita.

  4. The female Iyawo must go out with shoes, long stockings bloomers, serge skirt, skirt, brassiere (bra), long sleeves blouse, quilla (kind of turban made with white cotton) and a white umbrella. After the first three months, the female Iyawo can wear only a headscarf on her head but the rest of the clothes must be white except for the working hours when some Iyawo must wear uniforms or any other working clothes. However, she should wear white light clothes under the working dress. In such cases, the Oba asks about it on the Day of Ita.

  5. The male Iyawo must not wear shorts nor tight clothes. Women are not allowed to wear low necked blouse/dress nor shoulder straps nor tight short skirts nor Lycra shorts/pants of any kind. Whether a woman or a man, the Iyawo should never wear transparent clothes.

  6. The Iyawo must put on all Yoko Osha necklaces, bracelets and Idde when going out from home. Other jewels (chain, wristlets, rings, etc.) not representing Osha Ifa are not allowed.

  7. The Iyawo should not put on any make up nor should he/she pull out the eyebrows for any purposes. It is not allowed to use lipsticks nor nail polish. Hair dying and/or cutting or uncurling is also forbidden.

  8. The Iyawo must not look at himself on the mirror not even to comb since this action is also forbidden for the first three months. He/she should not put on any perfume or cosmetics of any kind and should bathe using only perfume free soap or body gels with no fragrance. Those whose occupations demand the use of cosmetics and make up, are exempted from these rules and also those whose metabolism need compensation with body lotions, creams or deodorants against strong smells or any other special body conditions. Anyway, the Oba must ask about on the Day of Ita.

  9. The Iyawo should not wear sandals, slippers, etc.

  10. Neither the Iyawo nor the Olosha should ever be dressed in black unless it is necessary or important to carry out a particular ceremony (only the Olosha) or just because of the occupation the Iyawo or the Olosha has. Either way, the Oba should ask on the Day of Ita.

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