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Addimú (also Addimú pl. addimuses or addimús): A kind of small present. A small amount offered to Osha, Orisha and Egun as a present.
Afeisita: Secretary; scribe or copyist. The priest who writes down on the Ita notebook the Oba's talk. The Afeisita oversees what the Oba does on the wicker mat and pays close attention to the Dilogun shell cast and the “letters” (signs) that each throw makes up to represent a specific figure that symbolizes a talking deity. He also controls the requested “hands” and is responsible for the Ifa notebook based on his/her own knowledge related to the sign cast on the wicker mat and through which each Osha talks. This is why the Afeisita must be a priest of vast knowledge of the Dilogun oracle. Likewise, the Afeisita must not be the godfather/godmother nor the Oyugbona (second godfather/godmother).He/She must be a respected priest(ess) chosen by the godfather godmother. This election must be based upon his/her knowledge on Osha Ifa.
Alawo: A person newly initiated on Osha Ifa with less than a year of initiation.
Angel de la Guarda: Protecting Guiding Angel in Osha Ifa. Such deity acts as the protector and savior of the initiated person. This Orisha is also known as “Osha Alaleyó”.
Ara Onu: The mystic land of the spirits (Eggun).
Asentar Osha: To crown Osha. To make Yoko Osha. To be initiated in Osha Ifa religion.
Ashe: Name given to what has the virtue and the superior powers of nature. Ashe is also a group of seeds used in ceremonies and rites in Osha Ifá.
Ata: Green pepper.
Awofakán ni Orunmila: Title given to a male person who is initiated in the first level of Ifa and receives the fundamentals (essentials) of the cult but cannot use them.

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: Interpreter priest of the Ifa oracle. Title given to a male person who has already passed the first level on Ifa and is consecrated as an Ifa priest. If this priest had been previously initiated in Osha, he is called Oluo because he is a priest with two consecrations in Osha Ifa religion.
Babalosha: Interpreter priest of the Dilogun oracle. Santero. Title given to a male person who has been initiated in Osha and, in due time, has initiated others. He is also known as godfather in Osha or “De Santo” godfather. Or just “padrino”. -godfather-.
Bajada del Angel de la Guarda: To call the Guiding Angel for consultation purposes through the oracle.

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Camino de los Osha:
The Osha Paths. It refers to the different vicissitudes experienced by certain Osha namely Eleguá, Ogun, Oshosi, Obatala, Yemaya, Oshun, etc. see “Towards Osha Ifa” (Hacia Osha Ifa).
Ceremonia del Río: Ceremony of the River. Rites and ceremonies carried out by the banks of the river and in the water the day before Yoko Osha (day of initiation in Osha).
Coronar Osha: To crown Osha. See “Asentar Osha”. The elements that represent a specific Osha are placed on the person during the ceremony of initiation.
Cuadro Espiritual: Spiritual Frame or chart. It refers to the group of spirits accompanying an individual. It is defined through the spiritual masses and the oracle as well.
Cuarto de Consagración: Room of Consecration. A room where the initiation rites and ceremonies are held during Yoko Osha.


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Dar Coco: To give coconut shells. Rites and ceremonies held and developed through the Biange and Aditoto oracle to establish communication with the Eggun (spirits) and/or Osha and Orisha.
Derecho: Monetary payment given to the godfather/godmother to cover the expenses of the rites and ceremonies. The amount is set by the godfather/godmother. This honorarium is typical of Osha Ifa and it can also consist of things you offer to Nature. For instance, if someone takes some branches from a plant, he/she should pay something (un Derecho) to the earth for giving him/her that piece of the plant. It could be money although earth does not need money.
Desayuno Ritual: Ritual breakfast. Special breakfast served for the Iyawo during the seven days of Yoko Osha before the ordinary breakfast. It has a special and secret preparation.
Día de Ita: Day of Ita. Sacred day on which several rites and ceremonies are held in the Igbodun. Priests use the Dilogun oracle to establish communication with the Osha and Orisha. In consecrations and initiations in Ifa there is also a Day of Ita but they use the Ifá oracle instead of the Dilogun.
Día del Medio: The Middle Day. Sacred day in which the newly initiated priest is introduced to the community. It is a day of festivity. The Iyawo wears his/her best clothes and represents his/her own protecting Osha or Orisha.

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Ebbo: Rites and ceremonies of purification.
Ebbo de Entrada: Entrance Ebbo. Rites and ceremonies of purification held the day before the Ceremony of the River.
Ebbó de Estera: Wicker mat Ebbo. Rites and ceremonies of purification held during The Day of Itá on the wicker mat.
Ebbó del Año: Ebbo of the Year Rites and ceremonies held when the initiated person reaches his/her first year.
Ebbó Oshumeta: Rites and ceremonies of purification held when the initiated priest reaches three months of Yoko Osha. Oshumeta means: three lunar cycles.
Egun (also spelt Eggun): Spirits of dead persons (whether relatives, friends or others.)
Ekori Nyeni Abakua: Traditional way to name the Abakúa religion and its members.
El Baño: The Bath. Purifying secret rites and ceremonies held in the Igbodun meant to purify the soul and body of the initiated person.
Eleda: Osha Alaleyó or Osha Ololorí: Protecting and Guiding Osha of the consecrated individual.
Eleguá: (may appear with other spellings). Elegua is an Osha (deity). He is the first of a conceptually unbreakable group of important deities. This group is also formed by Elegua, Ogun, Oshosi and Osun. Elegua is the first protection of an individual. He is always there to save his children and guide them in this life. He is the first to be crowned on an initiated person. Elegua stands for a clear perspective on lifelike a beacon illuminating the road ahead. In nature he represents the rocks. He is Olofin=s messenger. He came over our planet Earth accompanying Obatala. Elegua is a diviner Orisha. He opens and closes roads. He often lives behind the main door. Everybody must count on him to carry out any work or task. He is the doorman of the forests and savannah. Eleguá is an Ota (stone) that represents the nature of the individual who receives him .He is present on the wicker mat to oversee all ceremonies on The Day of Ita and talks through the Dilogun oracle. His speech is as essential as that of the Guiding Osha and together, they determine the main sign of the Olosha. Elegua is also a ruler and interpreter of the letters (signs combination of shells resulting from a cast) of the Dilogun divining oracle sub system and he plays a major role in the Biange and Aditoto oracle sub system. Elegua is given by Babalosha and Iyalosha. He is the sole and only one who returned from Ara Onu -(the infraworld or world of the dead).
Entrega del Cuarto de Santo: Delivery of the Igbodun. Secret rites and ceremonies held to enable the initiated person to take part in Yoko Osha ceremonies and others, after the new priest has reached the first year of consecration.
Eshu: An Orisha. He rules over malevolence. One must be aware of evil and take measures to avoid it to live in benevolence. He is an Orisha delivered by Babalawo and he is consecrated with different elements in nature. Eshu is never crowned; never talks through the Dilogun and is never placed on the wicker mat. He works with Orula and takes the Ebbo to him and reports on the offers given. Most of the Osha and Orisha has a particular Eshu. Also, every Odun of Ifa has their own Eshu as well as every circumstance in life. It is said that every single phenomenon on this Earth and beyond has an Eshu because evil is everywhere in everyway. As a worshipping object, it is made by the Awo ni Orunmila (or Babalawo Ifa priests ).
Etá Elede: Lard. (pork fat).

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Warriors. Group of Orisha and Osha formed by Elegua, Ogun Oshosi and Osun. They can be delivered by Olosha or by Babalawo. Babalawo give Eshu instead of Elegua.

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Hacer estera: To stay on the wicker mat. Rites and ceremonies carried out by an Iyawo who accompanies a very newly initiated Iyawo during the Middle Day.

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Idde: Kind of wristlet or bracelet worn by Olosha and Babalawo.
Idde de Orula: Kind of wristlet or bracelet wore by Ifa priests. It is also known as Idefa.
Igbodun de Osha: Sacred space. Room where different rites and ceremonies are held to consecrate an individual during Yoko Osha Initiation.
Ika Fun: Odun of Ifa oracle.
Ikofafun ni Orunmila: The highest title a woman can reach in Ifa. Although they receive the most sacred essentials of the cult, they cannot use them. They are also known as Apatebi ni Orunmila.
Ile: House.
Ile Osha: Temple House. The house where an Olosha lives. Also known as “Casa de Santo”.
Iniciación: Initiation. All rites and ceremonies carried out to initiate and consecrate an individual to make him/her capable of interpreting the oracle connected to a given initiation. Also, through such initiation the individual starts a process of balance of his/her own life, making improvements in those unbalanced areas.
Iniciado en Osha: Any person who has been consecrated in Osha and has made all rites and ceremonies corresponding to Yoko Osha. That person is capable of interpreting the Dilogun oracle after a long term training period. They are known as: Iyawo, Olosha, Babalosha and Iyalosha. They are also known as “Santeros”.
Iniciado en Ifa: Any male person who has been consecrated in Ifa and has made all rites and ceremonies corresponding to such consecration. That person is trained to interpret the Ifá oracle. They are known as: Alawo, Awo ni Orunmila, Babalawo and Oluo.
Inshe Osain: Object or container where magical powers and forces connected to nature reside in. It is also associated to certain Osha or Orisha to protect an individual.
Ita: Rites and ceremonies of divination generally carried out during a consecration or initiation. It lays out the road for the individual based upon the “letters” or signs of the Dilogun oracle or the Odun of Ifá.
Ituto: Funeral rites and ceremonies which are essential right after the death of an Osha Ifá priest.
Iyalosha: Female interpreter of the Dilogun oracle. Santera. A woman consecrated on Osha and has already crowned at least one person. She is also known as Osha godmother (madrina de Osha / madrina “De Santo”).
Iyawo: A person newly initiated in Osha with less than one year and sixteen days of consecration.
Iyaworaje: Period of time consisting of one year and sixteen days in which the newly initiated person has to follow a set of compulsory rules of behaviors. These rules help the Iyawo to improve his/her life and gain discipline and social prestige.
Iyo: Common salt.

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Jabón de Castilla: Kind of washing soap with no perfume and active ingredients that keep clothes clean and white. It is usually white and big.

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Kobo Ori Leri:
Rites and ceremonies carried out to make offerings to Ori.
Kuanaldo: Rites and ceremonies carried out to offer animals to the Osha and Orisha.

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Letras del Dilogun
: The Dilogun signs resulting from a specific combination of shells when cast on the wicker mat by the priest.
Libreta de Ita: Ita notebook. A document where the Afeisita writes down the Oba=s speech when this priest consults the Osha and Orisha through the different oracles of Osha Ifá. This document becomes a ruling guidance in the life of an initiated person in Osha Ifá.
Limpieza: Cleansing. Purifying rites and ceremonies.
Los Santos: The Osha and Orisha. Name given to the African gods, goddess and deities when their worship was prohibited to due to the African slaves. Spanish rulers of the XVIII XIX centuries in Cuba forbade the worship of the African pantheon among their slaves. However, these men and women hid their gods behind the Catholic saints and kept their beliefs.

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Mano de Ifá:
Awofakán or Ikofafun ni Orunmila. Rites and ceremonies that non initiated persons go through to improve their health. It is represented by a wristlet or bracelet of green and yellow beads. It is handed in by Babalawo. In these ceremonies, the person receives a handful of nineteen (19) shells. That is why it is called “Mano” referring to the amount of shells in one's hand.
Mayores: Experienced Elders .Also godfather/godmother. Those Osha Ifá priests with great experience, knowledge, humbleness and consecrations. Generally speaking, godfathers/godmothers are called “Mayores” (Elders).
Medio Asiento: Half Coronation. When a person has Eleguá, Ogun, Osun and Oshosi then receives the necklaces of Eleguá, Obatala, Yemaya and Shango.
Meyi: Two. Double. This is how the principal signs in Ifá oracle are also named. These signs make up a group of sixteen.
Misa de Investigación: Mass of Investigation.A kina of king of spiritual mass that aims to know which are the accompanying spirits that protect an individual.
Misa Espiritual: Spiritual mass. Rites and ceremonies carried out around a table to establish communication with the spirits. The table is covered with a white table cloth and with glasses full of water, perfume and flowers on it . This mass is conducted by an experienced priest who seeks out a medium to work during the whole session.
Moyugba: To invoke Eggun and ancestors. With this action priests recall and worship or venerate the spirits of relatives, friends and brethren and ask them for help and protection.

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: Neophyte. Someone with no consecrations in Osha Ifa at all.
Nombre de Osha: Osha name. Special name given to an Osha Ifá newly initiated person.

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: Priest with deep knowledge in the interpretation of the Dilogun oracle. He also masters all rites and ceremonies to be held in Osha. Besides that, he rules, controls and carries out initiations and consecrations.
Obatalá: An Osha. Father of all on Earth. The Creator of the human race. As a creator, he also rules over every part of the human body, mainly the head, the thoughts and life itself . He is the owner of whiteness or of what is basically white as a symbol of peace and purity; he is the owner of silver and any white metals. He represents creation although it does not necessarily have to be immaculate. He also stands for generosity, magnificence and superiority. Likewise, Obatala symbolizes pride, haughtiness, anger, despotism and handicapped or mentally disturbed persons. In Nature, Obatala is represented by the mountains. Obatala defends and protects any human being before any Osha or Orisha no matter the difficulties the person is going through because he is the father of the human race and owner of all heads. When it is hard to determine or no one knows who the Guiding Osha of a person is, then Obbatalá is the one to be crowned on the individual.
Odi Tonti Eyeúnle: A letter or sign of the Dilogun oracle. It is represented by the numbers 7 8.
Odun: Name given to each part or essence of the Ifá oracle. Represents an astral irradiation. In the Dilogun oracle it is called “Letra” (letter) and in the Biange and Aditoto oracle is known as “Signo” (sign). Even so there are substantial differences and levels among them. An Odun is a magical container of all the mythological and ancestral knowledge in Osha Ifá.
Odun de Ifá: Odun of Ifá. The essence of the Ifa oracle. There are 256 Odun.
Ogún: An Osha. One of the first Orisha/Osha an individual receives. Ogun is the strength and stands for hard work and rude force. He is the force embodied in the human chest; the thorax where the vital organs are. In nature, iron stands for this Orisha as well as the rest of the metals. Ogun is the immeasurable virility of man. He is the owner of metal tools and chains. This Orisha is essential in the ceremonies of confirmation of Olosha (Pinaldo) and in the ceremonies of confirmation of Awo ni Ornmila (Kuanaldo) Ogun is entitled to be the first to make sacrifice (kill the animals for ceremonies) because the tool used for the sacrifice is the knife and it is his.
Oló Oyá: An Osha initiated child of Oya.
Olodumare: Creator of life. The Supreme Being. Creator of the three kingdoms in Nature (animal, vegetable and mineral); creator of perfection. The essential and conceptual basis of Osha Ifá. He reigns over the extension and the expansion; over the everlasting existence and the space. This Supreme Being has a direct connection with the concepts and actions of giving birth, breeding and growing in stability and harmony on the leading path of well being and comfort.
Olofin: Closely connected to Olodumare in his links with all Osha, Orisha, Egun and mystic expressions. The Mayor Orisha intervenes in human life through the Osha and Orisha. Olofin grants powers and functions to every one.
Olokun: An Orisha. Essential in Osha Ifa. This Orisha is connected to the deepest secrets in life and death. Olokun grants health, prosperity and evolution in life. Olokun has the power to transform himself. He is fearsome when he is angry and furious. The deep sea symbolizes this Orisha and he is the natural owner of the depth where no one has reached. Olokun is one of the most dangerous and powerful deities in Osha Ifá religion.
Olosha: A priest initiated in Osha but who has no godchildren.
Olubosa: Onion.
Olúo: Man initiated in Ifa and who had crowned an Osha before his consecration in Ifá.
Oluwo Osain: A man consecrated in the cult of Osain. These priests are also called Adajunshe (master of herbs and plants).
Omiero: Sacred beverage obtained from herbs and other ingredients.
Oní Yemayá: An Osha initiate who is a child of Yemaya.
Oráculo de Biange y Aditoto (el coco obi): The Biange and Aditoto Oracle (the coconut shell cast). This oracle sub system comprises a number of five (5) signs obtained from the cast of four (4) coconut shells on the floor. Each sign is determined by the number of shells with the white face upwards. These signs are named Alafia, Etawa Eyeife, Okana Sodde and Oyekun. Alafia is the whole set of shells with the white face upwards; Etawa comes out of three (3) white faces upwards and one shell turned upside down (with the dark side upwards) Eyeife is formed by two white and two dark sides upwards. Okana Sodde is obtained when three shells are with the dark side upwards and only one is with the white side up; Oyekun is formed by the whole set of shells showing their dark side. These signs have their equivalents in the Odun of Ifá. For instance, Etawa (with three white sides upwards) according to the position of the one with the dark side up, could be Ogunda, Osa, Otura or Irete in Ifa oracle.
Oráculo del Dilogún (the shell cast for divination): Popularly known as “El Caracol”. In this oracle subsystem the “letters” (or signs) are obtained from sixteen (16) cowries (Kind of sea shell) thrown on the wicker mat. These sixteen cowries make up a number of seventeen possible combinations each of which form a letter o sign. Each letter depends on the number of shells with the “mouth” up (face upward). The seventeenth combination is with all shells with their mouth down. It is surrounded by great mystery as it does not come up very often according to the reports obtained from practitioners. The other sixteen combinations are: Okana, Eyioko, Ogunda, Iroso, Osha, Obara, Odi, Eyeunle, Osa, Ofun, Ojuani, Eyila Shebora, Metanla, Merinla, Marunla and Meridilogun. The name for the last latter is Opira. Now, to obtain a letter or sign, the shells most be thrown twice on the wicker mat. The first and the second casts are written down and then the priest writes down the numbers that represent each sign.
Oragun: Name of an important sign in Ifá oracle. He is the Protection that helps doctors, nurses, medics and any other personnel who cure and save human lives. Oragun is connected to Aggayu; to the midday sun, to the desert and to the spirits.
Orí: An important Orisha. Reigns over the divine within the human body. Runs the destiny of an individual who made his choice when he was a spiritual entity before birth. Olordumare witnessed this choice before the individual came alive. Every single person has his/her Ori since the very moment of birth.
Oriaté: Obá.
Orula: A very important Orisha who represents wisdom, intelligence, craftiness and naughtiness to overcome evil. Orula knows the inner thoughts and secret nature of the human being and nature itself. This Orisha knows the whole history of mankind in details. He represents the spirituality of all Awo ni Orunmila who already passed away. Orula is the ruler and interpreter of Ifa Oracle. He is never crowned on any head and only establishes communications through his own oracle. He knows the origin and destiny of every thing including Osha and Orisha. This Orisha allows man to know his future and provides him with the tools to change it if it is necessary. Orula is closely related to Eshu and Osun. He witnesses the act of choosing Ori right before birth. According to this belief, man chooses his own destiny before he is born and Orula witnesses that act. This Orisha also represents safety and support and consolation before the uncertainty of life. Everything is possible with his help. His priests could be called the best organized and the most mystical and wisest ones of all. Eshu is his helper and assistant. Orula, as an Orisha, is only for men who have never fallen into a mystical trance having a supra natural entity in control of mind and body. Women can be consecrated up to Ikofafun ni Orunmila (Apeterbí ni Orunmila) and enjoy the privilege of being heard with more attention than that paid to men.
Osha de Cabecera: See Guiding Angel / Guiding Osha.
Osha Ifá: Name to refer to Reglas de Osha; Reglas de Ifá, Santería, Religión Lucumi and/or Religión de los Orisha. See “Hacia Osha Ifá” Towards Osha Ifa . A definition of the African derived Cuban Religions which compose the whole pantheon of Osha and Orisha, the paraphernalia, rites, ceremonies priests/priestesses and the mystical journeys of all Osha and Orisha as well as predictions, advice, historical and geographical references and ethics.
Oshosi: An Osha. One of the first Orisha and Osha received by any individual. A hunter par excellence. He is related to jail, justice and the pursued. He is the thought that can move to any place or time and capture whatever he wants. Oshosi is represented by weapons starting by bow and arrows and there is a close connection between Oshosi and Ogun.
Osun: An Orisha. Generally speaking, he is represented by a cup made of a silvery metal and may hold a roosterlike figure on top of it. Such cup has a solid base to keep it standing. Osun in an Orisha that can only be consecrated by Awo ni Orunmila (Babalawo). Osun represents the ancestral spirit connected to the individual, guides him, warns him; he is the wakefulness itself. Osun along with Elegua, Ogun and Oshosi symbolizes the ancestors of an individual. There are several representations of Osun which varies in size. Some could have the height of a person. That is the case of Awo ni Orunmila and Oduduwa, among others. Osun has a special link with Orula.
Otá: Sacred stone that stands for an Osha or Orisha.
Oyá: An Osha. She propitiates storms, strong winds and lightning Oyá symbolizes the strong and impulsive personality. She also represents the intensity of mournful feelings and the world of the dead. In nature Oyá is represented by a flash of lightning. Oyá, Eleguá, Orula and Obatalá control the four winds. Oyá is called with the sound of a Flamboyant pod. She also represents reincarnation of ancestors; the lack of memory and the feeling of distress in women. The flag, the skirts and cloth of Oyá have a combination of all colours but black.
Oyugbona: Second godfather/godmother who clears and cleans the path for the initiated. This priest runs and controls everything in an initiation. Also known as Oyugbon.

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: A particular and secret rite (ceremony) which is done in the Igbodun of Osha.
Paraldo: Rites and ceremonies to get rid of an evil Egun.
Pasar a Ifá: To be initiated in the Ifa cult.
Pinaldo: Rites and ceremonies for confirmation in Osha.
Practicante no iniciado / Non initiated believer: A person who has reached certain level within the religion so as to receive a group of attributes of either Osha or Ifa Rules. For instance, those who already possess Elegua, Ogun, Oshosi and Osun or any of them given by a Santero or a Babalawo. Also, all those who possess Olokun, Orisha Oko, Inle or any other Orisha that can be given with no need for further ceremonies. For instance, Orun, Osain and Odde. Those practitioners and believers who already have Awofakan or Ikofafun ni Orunmila and have a defined Guiding Angel in Osha or in Ifá cults. Finally, all those with half coronation in Osha and who have defense and protections.
Presentación al Tambor: Presentation to the Drum. Sacred rites and ceremonies carried out to report to Olofin that there is a new initiated priest. During these ceremonies the drum players (tamboleros) play the Bata Drums at two stages. The first one is the Solo of the Drum (Oro Seco) before the throne which is covered with homemade sweets, flowers and other gifts. Then comes the Tambor de Fundamento where the drum players play the drums and attendants chant and dance in a great festivity. During this stage, the newly initiated is taken just before the drums and then he/she dances a solo while the audience chants and moves to the rhythm of the beat.
Presentación de la tijera y la navaja: Presentation of the scissors and the razor. A group of sacred rites and ceremonies carried out while in the Igbodun of Osha.

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Quilla: Kind of white cotton cloth the female Iyawo wears to cover the head.

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Registro de Entrada:
Entrance Registration. First inquiry to the oracle before Yoko Osha.
Rogar Cabeza: Clearing the head. Rite and ceremony on the head of the individual to honor his Ori and to clear the way of the person and make him think with clarity; get rid of bad thoughts and sadness.
Rompimiento: Tearing. Rites and ceremonies held to get rid of evil spirits or those that lack light. Among other things, the ceremony consists of tearing off the clothes of the individual.
Registro: Registration. Consultation of any of the oracles in Osha Ifa.

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An Osha who is among the Guiding and Protecting Osha. He is a great warrior and owner of the Bata Drums, owner of dance and a great dancer himself; masters music and represents the need for and the joy of living; the intensity of life; the beauty and virility of males; the riches and money. Lightning and thunder represent Shango. This Orisha is also the owner and master of the complete Osha Ifa religious system. Shango represents the greatest number of favorable and unfavorable situations. He was the first owner and interpreter of the Ifá oracle, he is diviner and interpreter of the Dilogun oracle and the Biange and Aditoto oracle. Shango also represents and has a special connection with the world of Egun. In the room of consecration he is represented by the “pilón” (kind of big wooden seat preciously adorned).
Signo de Registro: Sign that comes out and is interpreted during a consultation to any of the oracles.
Solicitar Yoko Osha: To request initiation in Osha.
Sopera: Tureen. Kind of deep container with a lid that is used to keep the attributes of an Osha in a safe place. It is often made of fine China and nicely decorated.


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Tambor Batá:
Bata Drum. A set of three drums known as Iya, Itotele and Okonlolo. This is where Orisha Aña lives.
Telas de la Parada: Cloth of the Standing. All clothes used during the ceremony of Parada (standing) this ceremony is secret.
Tirada del Dilogun: The Dilogun cast of shells. The sixteen shells are cast on the wicker mat for divination.
Trono del Igbodun: The Igbodun throne. A sacred space in the Igbodun where the Iyawo spends the Seven Days of Yoko Osha.


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A major Osha. She is among the Guiding and Protecting Osha. Her real name is Iya Omo Aiye Yemaya mother of all children on earth. She is considered mother of all Osha and Orisha and also mother of all human beings and she is represented by uterus of any specie as a source of life; fertility and maternity. In nature, she is represented by the sea waves. When she dances, she reminds of the movements of the ocean. She brought the Dilogun to Earth.
Yoko Osha: Group of rites and ceremonies carried out during the Seven Days in the Igbodun to initiate an individual in Osha.



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